It is possible to override the automatic introduction of the data, using Flight Master as an evoluted Form Generator. Using the Manual data introduction you can digit directly from the keyboard the data ignoring completely or partially the data in the library. For every field you like, you can introduce the data manually. To type the data from the keyboard, click inside the field with the mouse and type. For the fix data you need before to click on the check box in the same row you want manually to override. If you Manually override a fix Point Data, Flight Master DO NOT automatically calculate MAGNETIC ROUTE, LENGTH, TIME from previous point to this, and from this point to the next. PAY ATTENTION, if you manually override, you must insert manually all this data! To underline that, Flight Master draw a border around the field you can type in. This field will be printed too, so you can see also in the printed form which data are automatic and which are manually calculated. If you Manually Override, you have to introduce the TIME value, not only the LENGTH. Sum will still be calculated by Flight Master. (When you override the data introduction using the manual data introduction, to be sure the data you inserted will be used for the last calculation leave the field moving the insertion cursor in another field and clicking)